Liquid death. Creating a billion dollar company from selling water. A case study

Liquid death. Creating a billion dollar company from selling water. A case study

Making money from a boring product. Water.

That's impressive to see how quickly Liquid Death has grown in such a competitive industry. With a market worth up to $350 billion globally, it's certainly not easy to become a dominant force. It's interesting how a brand with an ironically named product like Liquid Death has gained so much attention and popularity.

Their marketing strategy, including viral social media posts and a Super Bowl commercial, has definitely contributed to their success. Their cheeky tagline, "Murder your thirst," adds a unique and edgy touch to their brand. It appears that their social cachet has translated into significant sales growth as well. They went $2.8 million in 2019 and are on track to be $130 million in 2022.

Liquid Death - Mountain Water - 500ml The Protein Pick and Mix UK

In 2019 to an estimated $130 million in 2022 is quite remarkable.

Is there anything else you would like to know about Liquid Death or their journey in the bottled water market?

It's fascinating to see how Liquid Death has attracted such a diverse range of fans. From young people who are drawn to the brand's "cool" name and design, to moms who want their kids to have a healthier drink option, it seems like Liquid Death has found a wide audience.

Their choice to package their "mountain water" in a 16.9 fluid ounce "tallboy" can with a melting skull logo certainly sets them apart from traditional bottled water brands. It's reminiscent of the designs we often see on craft beers or energy drinks like Monster and Rockstar. This unique branding might have contributed to their appeal and helped them gain attention in the market.

It's also notable that Liquid Death has caught the attention of prominent investors such as Live Nation Entertainment and Science Ventures, as well as celebrity backers like comedian Whitney Cummings and members of the music group Swedish House Mafia. The significant investments totaling around $195 million and the valuation of $700 million demonstrate the confidence in the brand and its potential.

All in all, Liquid Death's rapid rise in just three years goes to show that there is more to the brand than just a clever name. Although Cessario acknowledges that the name might be one of the biggest selling points, it's clear that their marketing strategy, packaging, and wide appeal have played a significant role in their success.

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