Looking at company revenues is a good indicator of what you should be building

Looking at company revenues is a good indicator of what you should be building

It may seem super obvious but people still think they can build complete outliers. Doing that is extremely difficult. Google was not the first search engine and Facebook was not the first social media company.

Pieter Levels just passed $100,000 a month in revenue with PhotoAI
He launched the AI photoshoot website back in February of 2023, and it’s quickly grown to become the most successful app in his portfolio.

Just look at peter levels PHOTOAI. its doing $130KMRR which clearly indicates money is flowing into photo AI image geneartors. This is a good indicator that you could also make money from creating something around the topic. If you focus on a niche which no one else is focusing on you could make some money around it.

Its OK to have competition

Competition shows there is a market around the topic and its OK to have it. It shows there are people who are paying for something in the space.

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