The dos and donts of email marketing in 2025

The dos and donts of email marketing in 2025

Email marketing is one of the biggest things in 2025 but its important to do it right and there are a few steps take. There are basic steps everyone should take to put into their email marketing.

Dos of email marketing

  1. Create solid subject lines

Make sure to peronsalise every one of your emails well. This will give you more opens for every single of your subscribers

  1. Make sure to be personalising the emails according to the campaign

Personlise every single email campaign to your goals and what you are trying to achieve.

  1. Make your your content is useful

One of the most important things. Dont sell to your audience but rather help them with various strategies.

  1. Be clear about your CTA

Make sure you are very clear with your call to action.

  1. Test, test test

Test your email on a small subset of users.

Donts of email marketing

  1. Avoid been seen as a spammer

Google now has new spam protections in place you will get blocked and so will your domain if it sees you as spam so be careful. Seen within specific intervals

  1. Dont Be buy ANY email lists

Absoltely pointless. Most are spam and fake anyhow

  1. Email design is important

Email design is very important and should not be forgotten. Make sure to take care of your designs very well.

What is the best email marketing software


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