VC's and angels are not responding to you. Heres what you should be doing to raise money for your startup!

VC's and angels are not responding to you. Heres what you should be doing to raise money for your startup!

Even with the right idea at the right time. You may not be able to raise capital. Its more about getting lucky with the right investor moving forward. Ive seen tons of good ideas with solid founders not getting investors as they were simply not lucky.

Its the founders who seem to get on personally with investors that raise

Dont take it badly if an investor decides not to invest in you. We also built Chefr, an e-commerce platform for restaurants, had a YC interview and some of largest VC's globally but didnt get funded. NOW flipdish, our main competitor is worth 1BN$. Its was nothing to do with us or the idea. It was just unlucky. The idea was validated and worked.

Read more about it here:

My interview with YC and how you can do better.
I’m sharing my experience from interviewing with Y Combinator accelerator, one of the world’s best Venture capital companies. The YC interview is short quick, to the point, and also a great learning experience. Just getting an interview you are in the top 1% of founders so count yourself lucky. We t…

Tips on raising money for your startup business

  1. Use your network to raise. Chase investors on linkedin. Look at the sector your looking to invest in carefully and choose people in the VC that specially in that sector.
  2. Ask for intros to Angels, VC connections. Even if they say no they may have others who could invest
  3. Check out companies that are close. Look at the cap tables and ask for VC's intro from the founders of these companies
  4. Apply to YC
  5. Make sure you have an MVP ready some customers wanting to use it
  6. Use crunchbase to get a list of investors

Dont get discouraged - give your self 6 months if not move on!

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