What are the best newsletter platforms in 2025?(updated)

What are the best newsletter platforms in 2025?(updated)

Seems like everyone is starting a newsletter these days and so we have put together a few platforms for you guys to get started. A newsletter is great whether your building your own brand or working for another brand, its essential to build a community.

Top platforms to create a newsletter with:


1. Mailerlite

Also a great resource for any type of email marketing. Simple pricing will allow you to send out a bunch of lists to anyone interested. If your looking to build a business using email marketing and a newsletter its a good choice. It also allows you to build a website from scratch and has a bunch of other tools.

2. Activecampaign

A great easy to use tool with a bunch of super cool templates to get your newsletters and email marketing out. Its generally for the more sophisticated user and has a bunch of automation tools. You can choose the yearly or monthly plans.


A great overall competitor in the space. It's very reliable has a great trust index on Trustpilot and has great customer service for any paid customer. It prides itself on the trust index and says the others dont have what it has.

Here are a few good ones!

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