Why do most VC's not have startup experience. Because Building a startup is so HARD.

If you look anywhere most VC's do not have startup experience. Why is this the case? Because any true founder will tell you directly. Building a startup is certainly one of the hardest things you can do. The chance of making it is so extremely small. I have worked in finance and been through techstars. I know about both sides. I have had colleagues that have worked at the same investment banks and gone straight into VC. Whereas I have direct operational experience in building and selling companies and have found it more challenging. Does having operational experience actually harm my the chances of getting into a top tier VC?
Just do a linkedin search on VC's experience - and you will notice a recurring theme. Most are from the same schools or corporates.
The best VC in the world is actually a VC backed with only founders who have exited. BUT WHY?
If its not clear enough. YC one of the world's best accelerators is actually full of founders who know what they are doing. This is because they know all of the tricks that you need to actually build a proper company. They understand the difficulties not only mentally that a founder faces and the support they need but also what a founder needs to get his company to service.
A lot of global VC's do follow on tickets to YC companies as there is a lot of trust in the company and founders when YC invests into it.
Will an MBA earn you the ability to make good investment decisions? It looks like the data is in both solid founders combined with solid education.
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If you are a founder being validated by a top VC, like YC, they will help you
This is one of the most important conclusions you can get from this. An accelerator is essentially just a validation of your business and you should try to do this by a top tier VC.
Working for a VC is easy but actually building a business is extremely difficult
Listen and learn from founders who have been through the process - it will help you.
Podcasts from founders who have exited are usually the best people to be listening to so I would definitely be signing up and trying to learn as much as possible from then. Taking a mentor or advisor is also essential! I do like Morning Brews Founder podcast

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